Cyberclew team has just returned form #Def.Camp10, Romania! Great Speakers, Great CTF!

Cyberclew team has just returned form #Def.Camp10, Romania! Great Speakers, Great CTF!

This what we call a nice surprise - our first CTF/Conference in Romania was full of great tasks and very experienced speakers.

Thanks #DefCamp10, which took place on 7th-8th of November in Bucharest, it was 2 intensive days of knowledge grabbing and fighting for the flag. 2000 participants from US, China, France, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Turkey, Poland, Italy, and of course from all over Romania. The biggest #DefCamp up to date!

The very beginning...

Out #TopThree speeches as per three tracks of #DefCamp10: "Pentest on steroids", "Hacking ICS devices for Fun" and "Your Face Isn’t Yours Anymore" - the videos are available at

And here we go!

The Full list of Contests:

  1. Hack the Bank
  2. Car Hacking Village
  3. EA – Lazy Dave
  4. Lock Picking Village
  5. Brainpick CTF
  6. DefCamp Capture the Flag (D-CTF) 2019
  7. Target John
  8. IoT Village
  9. Hack the Hackers
  10. Defend the Castle
  11. WiFI PWNED Board
  12. Critical Infrastructure Attack
  13. Capture The Firmware
  14. Unlock the SAFE

“The cyber security community here in Romania tends to fragment easily and DefCamp has always had this key role in bringing this community together. DefCamp is the ‘go to’ cyber security event of the year.”

Ioan Constantin, Cybersecurity Expert at Orange Romania

New acquaintances, passioned ethical hackers and mind blowing contests.

See you next year #DefCamp11 and the city of Bucharest!